get along

get along
1. phr v жить; прожить; обходиться

how are you getting along? — как вы поживаете?, как дела?

how are you? — Getting along! — как поживаешь? — Помаленьку!

they can scarcely get along on their income — они едва могут прожить на свои скромные доходы

she never managed to get along on her salary — ей никак не удавалось укладываться в зарплату

I can get along with this sum of money — этой суммы мне хватит

to get along without food — обходиться без пищи

we shall get along without your help — мы обойдёмся без вашей помощи

worry along — продержаться, выжить, уцелеть

we manage to rub along — мы кое-как можем жить

they can just scrape along — они могут кое-как прожить

2. phr v преуспевать, делать успехи

how are you getting along with your English? — как у вас дела с английским?

how are you coming along? — как у вас идут дела?

things are jogging along — дела понемногу идут

3. phr v уходить; двигаться; продвигаться

I must be getting along — мне пора идти

run along — уходить

pass along away — уходить

go along — идти, двигаться

step along — быстро двигаться

push along — продолжать путь; уходить

4. phr v стареть
5. phr v ладить, быть в хороших отношениях

to get along together — уживаться

rub along — ладить, уживаться

all along the line — во всём, во всех отношениях

Синонимический ряд:
1. age (verb) age; get on; harmonise; senesce
2. come (verb) advance; come; come along; get on; march; move; proceed; progress
3. shift (verb) do; fare; fend; get by; manage; muddle through; shift; stagger along; stagger on

English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "get along" в других словарях:

  • get along — also[get on] {v.} 1. To go or move away; move on. * /The policeman told the boys on the street corner to get along./ 2. To go forward; make progress; advance, * /John is getting along well in school. He is learning more every day./ Syn.: GET… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • get along — also[get on] {v.} 1. To go or move away; move on. * /The policeman told the boys on the street corner to get along./ 2. To go forward; make progress; advance, * /John is getting along well in school. He is learning more every day./ Syn.: GET… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • get\ along — • get along (in years) v 1. To go or move away; move on. The policeman told the boys on the street corner to get along. 2. To go forward; make progress; advance, John is getting along well in school. He is learning more every day. Syn.: get ahead …   Словарь американских идиом

  • get along — or[on in years] {v. phr.} To age; grow old. * /My father is getting along in years; he will be ninety on his next birthday./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • get along — or[on in years] {v. phr.} To age; grow old. * /My father is getting along in years; he will be ninety on his next birthday./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • get along — [v1] make progress cope, develop, do, fare, flourish, get by*, get on*, make out, manage, muddle through*, prosper, shift, succeed, thrive; concepts 117,704 Ant. cease, halt, stop get along [v2] depart advance, be off, go, go away, leave, march,… …   New thesaurus

  • get along — (with (someone)) to have a good relationship. My kids and their cousins really get along with each other …   New idioms dictionary

  • get along — phrasal verb [intransitive] Word forms get along : present tense I/you/we/they get along he/she/it gets along present participle getting along past tense got along past participle got along 1) get along or get on or get on with if people get… …   English dictionary

  • get along — Synonyms and related words: accord, advance, age, agree, agree with, ameliorate, amend, be getting along, be so, be such, buzz off, cheat the undertaker, chime in with, clear, clear the hurdle, come along, come away, come on, come out, come… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • get along — v. 1) (D; intr.) ( to manage ) to get along on (we cannot get along on his salary) 2) (D; intr.) ( to relate ) to get along with (how does she get along with her brother?) * * * [ getə lɒŋ] (D; intr.) ( to relate ) to get along with (how does she …   Combinatory dictionary

  • get along — 1) PHR V RECIP If you get along with someone, you have a friendly relationship with them. You can also say that two people get along. [V P with n] It s impossible to get along with him... [pl n V P] Although at one point their voices were raised… …   English dictionary

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